Beekeeping Resources

Beekeeping resources to help you learn about bees, hive management, honey and more!

The Waggle Dance

The Waggle Dance

Honeybees need to communicate for a number of reasons- one in particular is to indicate where the best resource patch (nectar, pollen, resin) is located and how to get there....

'Dead Outs'- What to do when your hive doesn't make it through winter.

Despite our best efforts, we may lose our precious colony over the long, cold, wintering months. While losing a colony may not be uncommon, it is always deeply upsetting and... Read More
'Dead Outs'- What to do when your hive doesn't make it through winter.
The ‘smoker:’ why do we use smoke in a honeybee hive?

The ‘smoker:’ why do we use smoke in a honeybee hive?

You may have seen photos of beekeepers posing near the hive with metal contraptions billowing with smoke. These are our bee smokers, or simply known as a ‘smoker.’             The... Read More

How to Protect your Honeybee Hive from Wasps

Every year as the weather increases in temperature and we begin to relax into thecomfortable rhythm of summer, we are joined by our favourite pests—the wasp. Here's how to protect...
Yellow Jacket Wasp
The Honeybee Sting

The Honeybee Sting

The Honeybee Sting - Myths and Facts   Contrary to popular belief, the only members of the colony that possess stingers are the females. The female members of the colony... Read More

Why Bees Produce Beeswax

How Beeswax is Made One of the main components of a beehive consist of an incredible substance called beeswax. Beeswax is produced by 4 pairs of glands located on the... Read More
Why Bees Produce Beeswax
Varroa Mite & the Sugar Shake Method

Varroa Mite & the Sugar Shake Method

Whether your beekeeping journey is well on its way or you recently received your first nucleus colony, you've probably heard a fellow beekeeper utter the words ‘varroa mite.’ Although what... Read More

What is a Swarm?

Have you ever seen a clump of bees hanging off your neighbour’s tree, wondering “I don’t remember seeing that yesterday?” That is a swarm- half of a beekeeper’s precious colony... Read More
What is a Swarm?
Hibernation: A peek inside our wintering hives

Hibernation: A peek inside our wintering hives

To best set up your hive for overwintering success you may want to consider these three questions...